Visionary Leadership
This photo series includes key photographs of Elder William Commanda alone and in relational interface with one or two other individuals. His engagement with a diversity of people was passionate, profound and influential; and today, even people who had never met him affirm an energetic connection with him.
Virtuoso Performer

Animation with People and Activities
This photo series presents photographs of the Circle of All Nations global eco-peace community and its range of activities. The individual albums highlight the diversity of events, gatherings and activities hosted by Grandfather Commanda and Romola Thumbadoo over the past twenty five years.
Celebrating Diversity and Passion

Reflections with Nature
This photo series presents some of Romola Thumbadoo’s photographs of the world of nature. Since we believe everything starts and ends with Mother Earth, we hope they will inspire your own deep connection. Consistent with Grandfather’s approach, tobacco was presented for them in a gesture of reciprocity.
Ginawaydaganuc - Everything is Inter-Related

Conceptual Tools, Powerpoint Presentations and Videos
This photo series presents Circle of All Nations’s conceptual tools, as branded in colour and motif and developed formally since 1997. Powerpoint presentations include information or teachings on specific topics. Videos were either created for or with Circle of All Nations; in addition there are video clips created by the community at large.
“Anyone Can Learn, You Know!” - William Commanda 1997
Visionary Leadership
Animation With People and Activities
Reflections With Nature
Art, Journey, Sketches & Reflections
Conceptual Tools, Presentations, Videos and Academic Works
Photoatlas Series