A Global Eco Peace Community Founded by North America Indigenous Elder William Commanda

Training, Education, Advocacy, Communications and Healing
All materials created and co-created by Romola Vasantha Thumbadoo since 1997. Please acknowledge with any use of our intellectual property.
© Romola Vasantha Thumbadoo and Circle of All Nations
“We Are All Connected” – Grandfather William Commanda’s
Perpetual Prayer and Reminder
The Circle of All Nations is a global eco peace community unified by Elder Commanda’s fundamental and unshakeable conviction:
“As children of Mother Earth, we belong together and with nature, irrespective of individual colour, creed or culture.”
William Commanda (Ojigkwanong – Morning Star) :
Indigenous Elder, Chief, Ottawa (Kichisippi) River Watershed, Canada
Sacred Wampum Belt Carrier, Canoe Maker
Founder of the Circle of All Nations
Honorary doctorate University of Ottawa and Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
Lifetime Achievement Award, National Aboriginal Achievement Awards
Officer of the Order of Canada; Meliortum Patriatum, they desire a better country
The Virtual Asinabka - Our Circle of All Nations Platform
The critically important peace and environmental work of Grandfather Commanda continues in his legacy vision for global peace, as articulated in the www.asinabka.com website dedicated to his Legacy Vision for an Indigenous healing and peace building centre within the National Capital Region in Ottawa, Canada.
Grandfather Commanda’s vision for reconciliation was developed with thousands of peoples and organizations, nationally, internationally and shared broadly, including at the United Nations, since 1997.
Follow Grandfather Commanda’s work on Facebook:
www.circleofallnations.ca (historical material)
Additional Circle of All Nations Materials
Circle of All Nations E-Newsletters
2019-09-14 CAN Annual Equinox Peace Event
2018-09-19 CAN Annual Equinox Peace Event
2018-03-24 Circle of All Nations Newsletter and Invitation to Spring Equinox Event
2017-11-11 Circle of All Nations Invitation to Celebrate Grandfather’s 104th birthday
2017-09-21 Circle of All Nations Newsletter Highlights plus Invitation to Equinox Event
2017-06-16 Circle of All Nations Note
2017-03-12 CAN Equinox and 2016 Reports
2016-11-03 Celebrating Grandfather’s Remembrance Day Birthday
2016-08-18 Circle of All Nations Newsletter
2016-06-24: 2016 Circle of All Nations Solstice Event Agenda Update
2016-06-14: 2016 Circle of All Nations Solstice Event
2016-03-25: 2016 Circle of All Nations March Equinox
2016-02-29: 2016 Circle of All Nations Leap Year Message and 2015 Year End Report
A Few Key Academic Documents
Additional Academic References
** To access papers, use Google Scholar or other academic publications **
Book Chapters
- In Further Developments in the Theory and Practice of Cybercartography: International Dimensions and Language Mapping (2019) Elsevier: Thumbadoo, R. V., Taylor, D. R. F. Storytelling with Cybercartography: The William Commanda Story
- In Mapping with Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Hess, J. (Ed.) Routledge. 2021. Thumbadoo R. V., Taylor D. R. F. William Commanda, Oral Wampum Storytelling, Digital Technology and Remapping Indigenous Presence Across North America
- In Indigenizing Education for Climate Action: Strategies, Case Studies and Testimonies – Abstract From 1991 Pre-Rio Earth Summit Seed Planting to the present: Tracking Indigenous discourse and cybernetic navigation in William Commanda’s animation of relationship with Mother Earth, the living and intelligent Gaia – In Press May 2023
Journal Articles
- Cybercartography, cybernetics and the cognitive mapping practice of late North American Indigenous Elder William Commanda for Volume 1: Issue 2 International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science (IJAHSS). 2020. Thumbadoo R. V., Taylor D. R. F.
- Indigenous Elder William Commanda and the Circle of All Nations Discourse. Volume 1: Issue 04 International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science (IJAHSS). 2020. Thumbadoo R. V., Taylor, D. R. F.
- Cyberphotoatlassing – Synthesis of Concepts and Technologies Wolodtschenko, A. Taylor, D. R. F and Thumbadoo, R. V in e-journal <meta-carto-semiotics>, vol. 14/2022: http://ojs.meta-carto-semiotics.org/index.php/mcs/article/view/108/111
Conference Paper and Presentations
- Circle of All Nations Digital Global Village – William Commanda’s Indigenous Cybernetic Navigation into the Age of Information Technology 21CW2020: IEEE SSIT 3rd Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century 2021, Thumbadoo, R. V., Taylor, D. R. F.
- Keynote Students Workshop IEEE SSIT Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century conference. Lecture video recording is now hosted by IEEE TV at: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/video/circle-of-nations-romola-vasantha-thumbadoo-ieee-ssit-21cw2021
- Conference Paper Powerpoint Presentation. Lecture video recording is now hosted by IEEE TV.
- 2021-12-14 ICA 2021 Integrating Cybercartography and Cybernetics in the Circle of All Nations Indigenous Mapping Exemplar of William Commanda Thumbadoo, R. V., Taylor, D. R. F.
- 2021-12-14 ICA 2021 Cartography in the Social Media Era: A New Balance and Synthesis, Taylor, D. R. F. (Ottawa, Canada), Thumbadoo, R. V. (Ottawa, Canada), Wolodtschenko, A. (Dresden, Germany) and Zaslavsky. I. (San Diego, USA).
- Digital and Mental Mapping: William Commanda and Circle of All Nations (CAN) in Cybernetics, Social Media, Photoatlases and Cybercartography: 2022 CCA May 26, 2022.
- Digital and Mental Mapping: William Commanda and Circle of All Nations (CAN) in Cybernetics, Social Media, Photoatlases and Cybercartography – 2022 CCA Presentation Summary.
Other Academic Publication Outputs
- Illustrative Atlas on Indigenous Cybercartograhy, Dresden, Germany (Taylor, D. R. F., Wolodtschenko, A. and Thumbadoo, R. V., Co-Editors)
- MDPI/ISPRS International Journal Geo Information Special Issue on Mapping Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Era, 2022 (Taylor, D. R. F., Thumbadoo, R.V. Co-Editor)
- Discussion of Semiotic Photoatlases, Alexander Wolodtschenko et al., 2022
Photoatlas Series

William Commanda, Founder Circle of All Nations, Wampum Belt Carrier, Algonquin Elder, Hon. PhD, Officer of the Order of Canada

Kitchi Tibi Kizis, Sun

Tibi Kizis, Moon

Kitchi Jojo Aki, Mother Earth
Mother Earth and All Creation
Relationship, Social Justice and Peace
Contemptation, Humility, Energy Shift
Bridging Diverse Knowledge Streams
Circle of All Nations' Conceptual Medicine Wheel
The Circle of All Nations is neither an organization nor a network – rather it is a growing circle of individuals committed to:
• Respect for Mother Earth
• Promotion of racial harmony and peace building
• Advancement of social justice
• Recognition and honouring of Indigenous wisdom
The core values sustaining the Circle are:
• Love
• Forgiveness
• Compassion
• Respect
• Responsibility
These values were originally presented in the Circle of All Nations Conceptual Medicine Wheel

All Circle of All Nations' activities are organic and interconnected




These themes and values are re-presented and re-animated repeatedly in the Circle of All Nations work and are grounded in practices of storytelling, reflection and animation.
Circle of All Nations Logo as Theoretical Frame for the 2017 Thesis entitled Ginawaydaganuc and the Circle of All Nations : The Remarkable Environmental Legacy of Elder William Commanda

This special logo incorporates many symbols of special significance to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples and to William Commanda himself. The four colours of the Sacred Circle, at the simplest level, represent the four symbolic races of man, the Yellow, Red, Black and White peoples; the four cardinal directions, East, South, West and North; and the four elements, Fire, Earth, Water and Air.
The Sacred Tree is a Spruce Tree photographed by William Commanda. Four separate trunks emerge from one base of the 75-foot tree.
The Mountains represent The Lake of Two Mountains, the traditional homeland of William Commanda’s ancestors. They also represent the climb up the Sacred Mountain in the search for wisdom.
The Morning Star is the symbol of enlightenment and vision, and because it shone so brightly when he was born, his mother named William Commanda “Ojigkwanong”. (Thumbadoo 2005 54)
- The Morning Star bridging between night and day, asserts the energy of emergence,
enlightenment and knowledge, of the aspirational, and of volition and willpower; - The image backdrop denotes a cosmic stellar world inextricably linked with sacred earth, Turtle Island, with semiotic messages of water, turtle and prophecy roots performance mapping the ideological foundation, cartographical geo-narrative, reflexivity and cognitive mapping themes of the thesis;
- The cosmic spruce tree (photographed by William Commanda) is used in the creation of the iconic Algonquin birch bark canoe. It also reflects the relational/inter-connectedness/adhesive theme of Ginawaydaganuc, around which the entire thesis spins;
- The territorial referential of two mountains underpins the historical dialectical spatial narrative; the cosmic tree links elemental creation stories with historical references (Lake of Two Mountains at confluence of Ottawa and St Lawrence Rivers); and the special biodiversity/environmental importance of the area and work is anchored by trees;
- The four separate trunks are aligned with the four branches in the ways of knowing examined in the thesis: empirical, animative, reflexive and dialectic. Analysis of research materials in the context of the centrality of the Ginawaydaganuc/relational theme is conducted in part via the digital atlas methodological trunk tool; and the tree branches epitomize the cybercartographic and social media refractions and voices.
- The circle outline demarcates the constructed circular storytelling epistemological approach which, with distinct association with colour (from [en]lightenment of the yellow of the East, to the passionate animation of the red of the South, to the reflexive zone of the black of the West, to the wisdom articulation in the white of the North) projects movement and flow, the underlying regenerative theme of the thesis. A further examination of the circular Medicine Wheel flow reveals the movement from visioning and planning, to animation and action, to reflection and refinement, to articulation and dissemination as wisdom.
- As intimated and articulated, the Circle of All Nations projects the ultimate vision of balance and harmony, emergence and evolution to be achieved in the motion of the striving for a Culture of Peace.
Here are two downloadable pdf files in English and French describing the logo, which also appears on our Circle of All Nations Teeshirt, first gifted to hundreds of people in 1998! Now that this Culture of Peace Tee is is associated with the William Commanda thesis, we call it a UNI Tee!
Indigenous Language
William Commanda ignites the fire for Indigenous Language for the first UN Conference of Indigenous Peoples – The Cry of the Earth 1993
Animating Indigenous Language at local, national and international levels
Excerpt CAN 2019 Unesco Year of Indigenous Languages Commemorative Poster
Circle of All Nations (CAN) Reports and Newsletters
Miscellaneous Circle of All Nations (CAN) Info PDFs
Core Integrated Themes in CAN Teaching Priorities
GINAWAYDAGANUC – Everything is interrelated!
Now for the ongoing animation of the legacy vision for the global eco peace community via research, reports and blogs, events, social media, photos, audio-visual, live stream presentations. JOIN US and SHARE!