A Circle of All Nations
A Culture of Peace
A Global Eco Peace Community Founded by North America Indigenous Elder William Commanda

Training, Education, Advocacy, Communications and Healing

Indigenous Elder William Commanda
Circle of All Nations (CAN) is the informal global eco-peace community founded by late Indigenous Elder William Commanda (Wampum Belt Carrier, Canoe Builder, Honorary and Affirmed PhD, Officer of the Order of Canada).
Circle of All Nations is grounded in the Laws of Nature and the foundational principle of Ginawaydaganuc – All is Connected.
Circle of All Nations : A Culture of Peace
Animated by the passion of Grandfather William Commanda, Circle of All Nations is a global eco-peace community unified by his fundamental and unshakeable conviction that as children of Mother Earth, we all belong together, with Nature, irrespective of our individual colour, creed or culture.
“We must come together with one heart, one mind, one love and one determination, to create a Circle of All Nations, a Culture of Peace” – Circle of All Nations Mini Backgrounder

Circle of All Nations Blog
Reaffirming and Advancing our Circle of All Nations Priorities and Passions.
In May 2000, William Commanda hosted the International Millennium Circle of All Nations Gathering at Nepean Point, “The Place Where we Sleep”, and thereafter, with the creation of the Circle of All Nations website, he became a dot.com elder. In 2009, with the launch of Facebook, he became a presence on this online platform, and today, his photos, videos, quotations, and work can draw thousands of hits in hours. Indeed, he remains “encore vivant” in the digital age, 10 years after his death.
Today, we are pleased to present our revitalized 2020s Circle of All Nations Blog Site. The Sleeping Giant is awakening again!
The Circle of All Nations in Photos
Circle of All Nations Landing Page
Please check out our new Circle of All Nations Landing Page at www.circleofallnations.ca, for substantive information on the ideology and animation of our global eco community, chronological and thematic blogs, archival documents and academic research of the past decades. The landing page takes you to our online work, photos and reports, which span multiple diverse knowledge streams and interests. It makes all our archival and contemporary work readily accessible to all – it is our one-stop centre to bridge building across incommensurabilities in the age of information, digital communications and global communications – it constitutes our Virtual Asinabka Think Tank and Digital Global Village, and represents our effort to create bridges in Indigenous grassroots community, non-governmental organizations and government, academia, philanthropy and the corporate sector thinking and strategizing in a world on fire.
Please check our two archival Circle of All Nations and this, our new website which will primarily present blogs and our growing photo gallery; you can also reach our Asinabka site, which holds extensive historical documentation on the William Commanda Legacy Vision for the Sacred Chaudière Site and related challenges; the Landing Page also leads to our place-based modality, our Cybercartographic Digital Atlas, a significant component of the William Commanda doctoral research at Carleton University: it is a live archive repository of our work and it maps William Commanda’s travels and our ongoing outreach across the world. Finally, it also links to our five Facebook pages and other online sites, which we term our Cybernetic time-paced modality. Join us, share your passions and become a part of Grandfather William Commanda’s global eco-peace community! Ginawaydaganuc! Everything is inter-related!

Access landing page and all sites at www.circleofallnations.ca.
Access new website only at www.circleofallnations.ca/new.

All materials created and co-created by Romola Vasantha Thumbadoo since 1997. Please acknowledge with any use of our intellectual property.
© Circle of All Nations

Romola V. Thumbadoo worked in criminal, social and Indigenous justice across Canada as a federal civil servant, in operations, policy and planning (25 years); and, at the grass roots level, with the Circle of All Nations global eco peace community founded by late Indigenous Elder William Commanda (25 years). Her Master’s thesis examined detribalization and racism in African literature (Detribalization and Racial Conflict as Major Themes in Peter Abraham’s African Writings); she completed her PhD thesis entitled Ginawaydaganuc and the Circle of All Nations: The Remarkable Environmental Legacy of Elder William Commanda in 2018, and postdoctoral research on William Commanda’s discourse and legacy in 2021, both under the supervision of Professor D. R. Fraser Taylor, Cartographer and Director of the Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre (GCRC), Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University.